[center][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img537/918/yaQkx5.png[/img] [b][i]Karn Fiore || Mt. Hakobe->>>Magnolia Interacting: Zenoram/Zero, Hemlock, Mithera[/i][/b][/center] Karn curiously listened as Zenoram, then Zero explained the story, frowning a little at the cruelty. Sure, being a criminal wasn't something to smile upon but that didn't mean someone couldn't change. Nor should anyone blame anyone accossiated to them for past things. At the explanation of no one helping out and the question of understanding what it meant, Karn tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. [color=lime]"Well, my village never hated me or my family. But they just pretended like I never existed. Runts of the litter don't really get much attention in that village at least compared to older siblings. Wasn't so bad compared to yours though."[/color] The blonde chuckled before holding out his arms to hug Zero but paused as the boy bluntly said he'd throw him off if the blonde did it. Pondering for a moment, the green eyed bored weighed the options of which he would prefer more. But since it seemed Zero didn't want to, Karn let it slide and dropped his arms. He thought a little of his early memories and the village. He didn't remember too much though. The villagers didn't really pay much attention to him, even less so after mother died. Eric mostly earned everyone's favor. The early memories earned him another brief cough before he smiled brightly at Hemlock's question. [color=lime]"Magnolia! We're going to meet up with the Phoenix Wing Guild."[/color] he chirped before glancing to Mithera at her suggestion, smiling a little more in excitement at the suggestion of Zero and Zenoram joining them. It would be quite wonderful, having a Dragon Slayer and a friend around. [color=lime]"Everyone is super nice too."[/color] he mused happily as he thought of all the people he met today. But paused a little bit in thought, thinking Zero and Zenoram wouldn't be as keen to stay with them. Considering how close they were to Hemlock, despite maybe wanting some adventure and maybe even friendly people to be around. Yet Hemlock had shown some concern of having to leave as well, and it would be better for the Dragon Slayer to have someone, rather than be all alone. It wasn't fun. [color=lime]"It's up to you of course, but we'd be glad to have you. Maybe even be team members."[/color] The blonde chirped in a his faster excited manner as hiss ecitement grew, emerald eyes sparkling at the sheer thought of maybe being part of a team. It would be so fun and exciting, and warm. [h2][center][color=gold]Edolas ???'Karn'[/color][/center][/h2] [color=lime]"Ack!"[/color] 'Karn' managed to utter out as he felt the back of his shirt grabbed by the fellow wizard. The smaller body easily being brought to a halt beside Mayt. The blonde boy pouted a little, but soon smiled happily at the pat on the head, gleefully accepting the gesture. Wizard X found the blonde both easy and difficult to pull off. Simply because sickenly honey sweet naive people weren't as easy to pull off as others. If only he had a bloody backbone. [color=lime]"Well... Okay. If your're sure everyone will be okay. Giant cannons are a little worrying."[/color] 'Karn' said softly with a concerned expression, though was in reality not worried. They didn't think Jamie's children would have much problem in reality. Maybe a few bumps or bruises, but they could handle it. If it got too ugly, then maybe they'd step in. As Mayt suggested going inside the palace to see what was happening, motioning 'Karn' to follow, the short blonde smiled brightly and practically skipped after him. [color=lime]"Okie dokie! Though I kinda hope we don't have to do too much. Means that everything's alrigh."[/color] he said optimistacally.