[center] [color=Peru][h2][i]Micah Allen[/i][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Rush. [b]Real Name:[/b] Micah Allen. [b]Age:[/b] 31. [b]Position:[/b] - [b]Occupation (If Any):[/b] - [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bqjnADd.png?1[/img] [b]Weight:[/b] 150 lbs (all sharp angles, bone, and muscle). [b]Height:[/b] 5'5''. [b]Eye color:[/b] Green. – [b]Hair color:[/b] Dark Brown. [b]Personality Traits:[/b] Micah can be a bit difficult. Most people don't really care for the guy because he's suspicious of everyone and doesn't bother to hide it. He doesn't trust new people easily, and this suspicion can near paranoia when it comes to humans. He has a bit of a problem with authority figures. This and his apprehensive nature is the reason he didn't get involved with the war or the Pit in the first place. Micah can be arrogant and often shows that he has a low opinion of most people. He absolutely despises liars, and as such has made a vow to never lie unless someone's life is threatened. Oddly enough, the man's an excellent liar as he lacks any obvious tells and delivers his lines with utter conviction. If he does start trusting a new face, Micah seems to shut down. His earlier bluntness turns into silence as the man tries to control his mouth to avoid insulting his new friend. Most people take this new-found shyness as another sign of arrogance or see it as a show of disdain or anger. This habit has driven more people away than Micah's near inability to lie has. Regardless of all this, Micah is undeniably loyal to the mutant cause. Despite his difficulties in social situations, the man is good at taking orders and is willing to follow those he trusts through hell and back. [b]Abilities:[/b] Velocity Manipulation Simply put, Micah can control the speed and direction of a moving object. This ability is incredibly versatile. He doesn't need to fear falling from great heights. Jumping extremely high and far is everyday life for the man. He can freeze a bullet before it gets out of the guns muzzle, and then use that same bullet against the gun's wielder by changing its trajectory and sending it towards them at high speeds. There are limits, of course. Small, fast-moving objects such as bullets are only stoppable in groups or two or three, but Micah doesn't have a chance at stopping a hail of bullets unless he has some sort of divine intervention on his side. Controlling the velocity of anything heavier than himself has been proven impossible. He can't control the velocity of gasses or liquids. Velocity manipulation can be tiring, in the long run. If Micah overextends himself, he's found himself suffering from shortness of breath and tunnel vision. At worst, he's found himself fainting in the middle of using his abilities. On the subject of enhanced speed: While it is possible for Micah to reach mind-blowing speeds thanks to his powers, he has a human body that can't stand the stress of it. He hasn't dared to run faster than 40 mph, 10 mph above the peak human speed, in the fear of knocking himself out. [b]Skills:[/b] Micah's natural agility and quick reflexes has made this guy a master of avoiding hits and traveling the rooftops of the city. He's a relatively good brawler too. Micah is incredibly good at improvising and isn't afraid to fight dirty. Why try something complicated when you can throw a rock at the guy at supersonic speeds, right? Right! Though he doesn't want to admit it, his aim could be worked on. [b]Biography:[/b] Micah's lived most of his life on the streets. He was born to a young teen mother who had her at the young age of 16. She'd always consider the child a reminder of her own mistakes, making her relationship with his son distant at best and verbally abusive at worst. Micah's little slice of Heaven was with his grandparents, who defended the poor kids existence until their last breaths. His grand-dad was the first to go, when Micah turned 9. His grandma followed her husband three years later. By the time the boy turned 15, his life was a mess both at home and at school. His mother got meaner as time passed. He had been bullied throughout his life, but all of a sudden things started getting violent. Micah, the short, stuttering kid he was, couldn't properly defend himself against the bigger, older kids. He couldn't find anyone to help him either, always the odd one out. As a way to defend himself, he elevated himself above others morally. Never lie, that was the big thing. Never lie or steal or kick someone who was already down. Don't back down, don't appear weak even when you have no chance of winning. More often than not his rules just made things worse. A year later, the same month the HUA was put into action, Micah had had enough. The angry, usually feeble attempt at a slap turned into a speedy, bone-cracking punch. The bully suffered a broken nose and a concussion. Micah lost his rights as a human. Micah ran away. The cracked bones of his fingers healed as he tried his best to adapt to the life on the streets. The rules started changing. ”Never steal” turned into ”steal when necessary.” Really hurting someone was the only safe option if someone found out that you were a mutant. Sometimes you had to go further than that. Appearing weak made people underestimate you. ”Never lie” was never turned on its head, but Micah created exceptions for it. ”Never lie unless they ask about mutants. Never lie unless they threaten someones life.” He found himself in this odd no-man's zone between the mutant society and the human society. No-one really paid attention to the short guy begging for money. There were more important things to work out. Those peaceful mutant-rights protests Micah had involved himself in turned into riots. Micah stood by the sidelines, hating the humans but not trusting the mutants either. He helped where he could but never got officially involved, seeing the higher ups as just another group that would fuck things up for everyone involved. It took years for Micah to decide that staying in the Pit was the only good option he had left. At the start of 2020, Micah walked inside the mutant-run city and sat down in a comfortable, uninhabited corner of the pit and relaxed in his new little slice of Heaven. [b]Theme Song:[/b] Oh how I wish I had a theme in mind! But I don't. Suggestions? I'm horrible with music. [/color] [/center]