[b][wip][/b] Name: Luna Nicknames/Aliases: N/A Gender: Male Birthday: March 21st Age: Appears to be in his late teens to early twenties, rumored to be much older Class: Blue Mage Occupation: Member of the Mage Guild Species: Human/Dragon Beastkin Hybrid Appearance: Luna is a mildly tall young man who towers over almost all of his relatives with the exception of his half-brother, who is the same height as he is. Luna has a slightly unhealthy and hunched over posture, but he's aware of it and straightens his back out during important, formal events. Luna has pale, milky skin with some scars on him, but his complexion is nonetheless rather healthy. However, he sunburns easily and doesn't tan well, most of the time ending up with a burn. Luna has a scar on his right shoulder blade, as well as a fairly long one on his right arm. One scar stretched across the bright of his nose, before angling up slightly towards his left eyebrow. Luna has a stronger build than most mages really do, being a Blue Mage. While the rest tend to be flimsy with physical strength and stamina, he's fortunately stronger than most in that area. However, his powers are more difficult to utilize. He has a good amount of stamina, and fairly powerful arms as well as legs. Still, even if he's physically more powerful than other mages, he isn't as strong as many physically-oriented classes, such as Heroes or Samurai, and even Necromancers have better stamina and physical strength than Blue Mages. He has angular hands that are a bit roughened from excessive training, as well as dabbling in trapping knots. Luna is a handsome young man. He has tousled, dark blue hair with his bangs parted over his left eye. It goes down to below his ears. His eyes are a bright silver and snakelike, and are framed by surprisingly long eyelashes. He has narrowed pupils. He has a soft and delicate jawline, giving him a gentler appearance than his brother. He has an elegantly curved nose, that is more stout and perhaps cute than anything else. He has nice, white teeth. His expressions are often on the soft side, and he hardly betrays any harsh emotion emotions. It's very rare to catch him with an expression of pure anger or discontent. He doesn't tend to show stronger emotions, and because of this, he's rather good at acting and at deceiving people. He's very good with camouflaging how he truly feels. He has a calm, floaty voice that can often send others into a sense of safety. He has elvish ears, that are long and pointed. Clothing Style: Luna most commonly wears black trousers, tucked into long, blue boots that reach up to his knees. His trousers are secured by a blue belt with intricate silver and gold features. He wears a long, blue jacket, with gold-colored buttons and black designs on it. The jacket's hood is gold rimmed. The back of the jacket has an illustration of two, black wings. Underneath the jacket, he often wears a black or blue dress shirt. He has multiple pairs of his boots and trousers, as well as shirts. He wears black gloves as well. He only has one of his jacket, as he sewed it himself. It's made out of sturdy fabric. Personality: Luna at first appears to be a very kind and gentle young man. He's generous, and seems to be able to intervene in tense situations to calm everyone down. His motivations are guided by the general good, and he seems to be very willing to help others out. He often provides others with materials they need and will easily do favors for others. Luna is considered respectable by many people. Numerous people in the Mage Guild revere and look up to him, not only for his skilled, dexterous powers, but for his accepting and tolerant attitude as well. He never seems to lose his patience when around new members of the Mage Guild, and doesn't let first impressions leave too much of an impact on him. He doesn't jump to conclusions when judging a person's character. He appears as a peaceful young man who cares for everyone around him. For some reason, some of those in the upper ranks of the Mage Guild seem to fear him. Luna is actually a very deeply tormented and crazed young man, with an obsessed devotion to his long deceased lover. Due to his enlonged lifespan due to his species, he often finds that all of his friends will age much faster than he will, and die long before he does. This causes him repetitive agony, to the point where he frequently distances himself from others and wonders about his true purpose and reason for living. He tries to only ally himself with fellow dragon beastkin, as well as vampires as they have similar lifespans to him. Luna suffers from frequent bouts of depression and paranoia. He isn't really good at pulling himself out of depressed slumps, no matter how many times he does become depressed. Because of his depression, and his own emotions, he has periods of time where he sleeps constantly, for as much as a week at a time. He unsurprisingly has little faith in humanity, and believes that if he wants to get something done, that he'll need to get it done on his own. Luna isn't an arrogant person, and usually frowns upon those with massive egos. He sees it fit to tear down over-inflated egos with scathing remarks. He isn't very kind on the inside, and can actually be considered to perhaps have a phobia or maybe a general hatred of people overall. As much as he tried to sway his though process into being less judgmental and kinder, Luna believes it an impossible task to genuinely like most people. The way he ages also gets in the way of him making friends with humans. He doesn't like their lifespans, and secretly, he is very afraid of getting hurt. Bringing the difference in aging can often upset or agitate him. Luna is actually very emotionally fragile. He has an obsessive mentality over his past lover's last wish, and will go to the ends of the earth to fulfill it. He has a steadfast dedication to fulfilling whatever promises he makes. This is why he no longer really makes promises. Even though he sleeps for a week at random intervals, the guild allows him to stay due to the fact that he's so immensely powerful. Tales of his strength has been passed down frequently through neighboring towns and villages. Many bandits refuse to break into the location of that branch of the Mage Guild, purely due to the fact that Luna lives there. Luna does not flaunt his powers and he does not abuse them. Rather, he fights as little as possible. Although on missions, he tends to easily push himself. After he does complete a mission, it's very likely he'll sleep for days or even a week straight. Likes: Dislikes: Past/History: Luna's mother was a dragon beastkin and his father was human. Luna truthfully does not remember his father very well, as he died when he was very young. Luna's mother continued to raise him despite how delusional she became in her devastation. Although graceful and sane when with other villagers, Luna's mother had lost sight of herself. She eventually locked herself away in her home, only letting Luna go out to play. She refused to come outside. Still, she got Luna the best tutors her money could buy. Even if her life seemed to be crumbling, she wouldn't let that get in the way of Luna's success.