[h2]Coast City, March 5,2020, 9:00AM[/h2] "HEEEEEELP!" "Quiet, lady! Nobody's gonna help you here! You heard the news: Green Lantern is [i]gone![/i]" A thuggish, evil-smelling man in a gray hoodie clutched a purse in his hands. Judging by the screaming woman he was running away from, the purse probably wasn't his. The thug sprinted out the alleyway and rounded the corner before his victim could work up enough courage to chase after him. With fearful hatred in her heart, the woman escaped the alley and searched for the man who robbed her. Fortunately, she didn't have to look very far to find him. Unfortunately, the thug was looming not even a foot away from her, with a dead look in his eyes and a scowl on his face. Fury giving way to fear once again, the woman gasped and hesitated. The thug spoke in a voice that was very clearly not his own. For one, its tenor was a pitch lower. For another, it sounded like it was coming from within the bowels of a tin can. "I am sorry, miss. I've done a terrible thing. Please, take your purse back." The thug shakily reached forward, purse in hand, and presented it to the woman. Fear giving way to fury again again, the woman scowled and punched the thug in the face with a mighty *THWACK!* The thug didn't even [i]flinch[/i]! "Please accept my apologies. Goodbye." At that, the thug sprinted away, kicking up a small cloud of dust. Normally this wouldn't be disconcerting, considering the speed at which he was running. The only suspicious thing was the fact that they were [i]on the sidewalk.[/i] The woman stood flabbergasted as the low-hanging cloud of dust seemed to follow the thug's exodus. With a shrug, the woman looped her arm through her purse's string and went on her way, flustered but largely unharmed. [i]That's one mugging gone right![/i] Homefront thought to himself as he forced his thuggish host down 13th Street. [i]I should get this boy a good ways away before I cut him loose. Wouldn't want him causing any more trouble for that lady![/i] Five blocks away, at the picturesque coastside, Homefront decided to relinquish control. The thug scratched his head in bewilderment as consciousness came rushing back to him. He couldn't remember much, only how he'd been robbing some lady and... somehow ended up here. One thing stuck out in his mind, a statement: [i]Robbing people for their money isn't a good way to make money. Go to a trade school or something and learn something marketable.[/i] With nothing else to do and a strange feeling that he'd just made a lucky break, the thug decided to call it a day.