[center][h3][color=#535d60]Felix Lancaster[/color][/h3] [color=#535d60]The Magnet Mage[/color][/center] Felix had enjoyed his talk with Fleo but didn't get a chance to discuss their similarities in magical ability. He figured he'd get plenty of time later, though! He was excited to make a fast friend as he had. He could be a bit high-energy for most people, but Fleo didn't seem to want to avoid him for that. In fact, she seemed just as hyper! Felix didn't get to introduce himself ot the new arrival, a woman he gathered was Minerva, but he figured he'd have another chance in a few minutes. He glanced to Fleo and Amaya. [color=#535d60][b]"Shall we watch? This might give us a chance to learn their habits, though I suppose they don't have many. Still. We could learn a lot."[/b][/color] He grinnned at Fleo. [color=#535d60][b]"Even us A-Class mages."[/b][/color] He then headed outside to see the sparring match was already underway. At least the preparation was. The two seemed to be waiting for the right moment to strike. Felix eyed them both carefully, and waited for the fight to begin. Or had it already, the moment the two stepped outside? It seems their conversation was as much mental combat as the sparring match would be physical.