What exactly happened in the last few moments were hard to identify. The weight of the ship suddenly left and in a daze Angel could only briefly make out who it may have been that saved them. But there was no time to think about it. Already she could barely keep aloft. There was no time to make for land, she would have to hope Sarah could handle swimming to shore. Diving down she began to slow when the energy gave out. The image of an angel faded away with the light and left behind a normal girl. Still twenty feet from the waters surface Sarah fell out of control and plunged into the seas. Even though Angel took the brunt of the ordeal she was still exhausted. Suddenly being dumped into the ocean did not help in the slightest. Disoriented by the rolling waves she barely made it to the surface for some air. Gasping and fighting to stay above water the one thing she could really make out was the huge ship on the island. Slowly she made her way in that direction but the current was against her. Growing weary she had to force herself to stay awake. Others, there had been others on the ship. Drawing on what little strength she had she called out for help. Her voice couldn't keep it up long though. This may very well end up as the nightmare she expected since becoming a hero.