[quote=@Penultimate_Pi] This is one of those times where I truly wish I was able to see the future. If I'd known we would have any trouble with people playing a Lord of Grado, then I would've made one - but then again, my own issue is that I don't feel I'm active enough to accept that role. I'm gone for many hours per day, and it's very possible I might come home not willing to write anything. But goddammit, if there's anything I truly despise, it's leaving unsolved problems like that around while I could've still made a difference in that. /end rant [/quote] Yea it does seem like a weird problem. I dunno if we really need a lord I could class change. It would require some CS editing or something. If it's really needed. If not we can just come up with a reason, and maybe allow class changes so someone could be a lord later.(Marwood is fairly close.)