[h2]Coast City General Hospital[/h2] Timmy sat in the hospital room with his parents, who were finally awake- if barely. Their arms and legs were in casts, and the father was getting a blood transfusion. The nurses had left the TV on for him, and he was watching cartoons when an emergency broadcast went out. [i]A sweeping crime wave in Coast City following the absence of Green Lantern has come to a head, with a mysterious new supervillain calling himself Terrordactyl going on a rampage through the city's residential areas and attacking children. Police artists have constructed the [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/025/f/a/pterodactyl_man_by_alienoidtoxikoid-d5so5yi.jpg]following likeness[/url] from eyewitness accounts. If you see Terrordactyl, alert the police immedia-[/i] There was a crash as the glass from the room's window broke through, a brick sailing towards the TV and shattering the screen. "THERE'S A P AND MY BEAK IS NOWHERE NEAR THAT STUPID!" Pterrordactyl pushed through the broken window, a paperboy's sack full of bricks at his hip. He tossed a brick up and down, staring at Timmy before looking at his father. "Hey Timmy. How's... things?"