[h1]Jayce/Location: Cliffside[/h1] Jayce whistled as he watched the massive man in armor fall off the cliffside, shaking his head as he hit the ground. [i]"...Man, guy must've been a real ass to deserve that."[/i] he thought as he steadied his grip. Staring in awe as the cannon fired the chain, he started to break into a cold sweat as he saw the land mass it hooked start to inch closer. Didn't matter how fast, that thing was going to get pulled in. Even if it wasn't going fast, it was more than likely going to crush the castle in the center of the town and destroy the whole thing. Getting a firm grip and digging into the rock wall with his right arm, Jayce used his free hand to pull a Red, Blue, and Green lacrima from his pouch. Locking all into the drawer of his forearm, he closed it up and steadied his grip with his left hand, simply saying: [b]"Steam."[/b] before steam poured from the fingertips of his right hand, the scalding vapor slowly moving around the area and becoming more of a mist. Climbing up, Jayce ran over to the cannon, looking for any kind of access or maintenance panel he could use to get into the inner workings of the machine. It'd be bad if the thing exploded, especially with all these people up here. And the unstable cliff.