Candy moved around the lollipops inside of his mouth, managing that none of the candies hit each other while bouncing wildly. The brightly colored boy was wondering if someone was ever going to talk to him, as the civilians surrounding him maybe fun to mess around with, but not actual talking material compared to some wizard which could have interesting stories to tell. Candy was going to try to put another inside of his mouth, just to see if he could break his record of putting 9 lollipops inside of his mouth in one session. However, he was quite startled by the sudden voice and spun around with his hands ready to punch someone, something that became instinctual for the boy, as most of the people that actually started the conversation with him were cops trying to arrest him for disorderly conduct. Although, he didn't see cops, but something else that he was not really expecting, the guild master of the Phoenix Wings standing in front of him. Surprised, he opened his mouth slightly, not enough to let the lollipops fall out, but it was almost wide enough to show his actual astonishment. Candy looked around to see if this was some sort of ruse and looked at the person in front of him with an inquisitive look. "Huh... You're the guild master for the Phoenix Wings aren't you? Well, to be honest, I didn't really expect you to follow me or anything like that or really anyone to follow me in that matter, but at least your not a cop." Candy chuckled, his speech virtually unaltered with the two lollipops swirling through his mouth. "So, I was going to try to join this guild. However, I was a little discouraged and decided to leave, now, I was just roaming the streets trying to find someone and I found you, so my problems are relatively fixed."