Zack bit into the freshly delivered plate of cooked meat at a small stall well draining a mug of water to fight back the high amount of pepper. Acrid Smoke wafted into his nose stinging his sense of smell as two portly men plodded up to the stall demanding a meal on the house for defending Ylisse during the war and being heros. Zack kept to himself knowing the men were lying through thier teeth they didn't carry themselves in the manner a soldier would or show a hint of respect. "I'm Sorry but you must pay,like this young man did." Announced the Aging Female Stall Merchant. "We fought and watched are friends die infront of us!" Roared the bigger of the two men, now just starting to piss off Zack. "Please, you need to pay like everyone else." stated Zack as he set the peppered meat down."Ah a fellow soldier you should be joining us in free service from this wretched women." stated the closer of two men. " If you were real soldiers you would be showing the proper respect to the Citizens of of Ylisse, that me and many other good men fought to defend, And you should not be lying about what you did you have nothing like the bearing of a real soldier, now please pay or go." stated Zack sternly. Anger Flushed across both of thier faces as they knew they had been caught the closer man swinging a meaty paw at Zack in his blind rage. Zack jumped backward barely avoiding the swinging fist well spilling his plate, Zack flew into motion bringing a swift stike into the man's knee forcing him towards the ground followed by a swift jab into the man's jaw and bouncing his head off the stall's counter. Disbelief Spread across his partner's face as he fumbled for his dagger from it's scabbared." Now please stop before you get hurt." Said Zack as he watched the man finally get his blade free and lunging forward at Zack. Zack's fingers wrapped around his empty mug and brought it crashing into the side of the man's head in a shower of shattered glass dropping the man to the ground. "I'm so sorry mam." Said Zack as he dropped some coin on the counter for the mug he destroyed with a bow."They got what was coming to them."Shot back the stall merchant with a satisfied grin." I need to be on my way before the guards get here."he Said over his shoulder as he could hear the rattiling of armor and weapons approuching and dashed away through the throng of on lookers. He ran dodging people until he felt he was in the clear and slowed to a walk."Damn such a waste of food." He muttered to himself as he jammed his hands into his pocket walking looking at his surroundings, Well he strolled he looked from face to face getting odd looks here and there knowing most were slightly discomforted by his glance but he did't care as long as he wasn't staring down a plegia soldiers's weapon. He saw a young girl that looked as if she had been crying and saw the man following her. " What are you doing with that girl,sir?" He asked the blonde hair blue eyed man, his hand ready to grab a hold of his lance from across his back.