Backstory: It has been 60 years since the last grail war, and a new grail war shall start, the date is 2015 July 27th and it is taking place in Fuyuki City, Japan a few masters chosen by a Magical wish granting golden cup known as the holy grail shall summon servants to fight alongside them, the Heroic Spirits may be people from different universes, the past, or even your 9th grade english teacher, Each master is given three command seals which can be used to order a servant Now, begin and make preparations!, Summon your Servant and take the holy grail!, Through deception, Through elite strategies, or through relentless combat, anyway you want to take your grail the Grail is a wish granting device, 1 wish all for you, but however, you have to be the last man standing to get it [hider=rules]1 you may be any Servant from any TV show, history, gender-bents of said characters, alternate versions and so forth! 2 If your master commands you using a Command Seal, you better follow his orders 3 if your out of command seals, tuff luk 4 u 4 nothing beyond PG13. you may have kissing and hugging but anything past that is a big no no, 5 No OP characters, seriously, no mary sues 6 B level writing atleast, Seriously if I see anyone wr0tin liek dis expect to be given a warning or even worst. kicked out 7 Put down Fate/generic name to show you read the rules 8 no all caps either, IT REALLY HURTS MY EYES AND IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE YOUR SCREAMING LIKE A KID WHO FORGOTTEN WHAT CAPS LOCK DOES AND ACCIDENTALLY TURNED IT ON 9 if your going to kill someone PM them 10 there must be a even ratio of servants and masters, if there is a shortage of players you can be a servant AND a master 11 have fun...or else[/hider] [hider=Master CS] Appearance: Name: Bio: NO TBA (it never gets added) Personality: NO TBA either possessions: Command Seal:[/hider] [hider=Servant CS] Appearance: Name: Bio: Personality: Possessions: Noble Phantasm: (a special kind of power, weapon, attack or anything!, you can only have one, it can't be OP though) Creator: (put down which TV show, literature, whatever he is from!, if you made him just put down your name)[/hider] [hider=Current cast and Remaining Space (so far)]Masters: Nerminator/Haru Servants: Nookzer/Caster, Kaithas/President (Bezerker) Remaining space until IC start, 1 servant and 2 masters,[/hider]