Avani said nothing as she was taken away and heard Kasai trying her best to defend her. She walked on calmly to wherever the pig was leading her. As they passed a few doors she lost the ability to hear Kasai and the others talking. She focused on the desire she had seen in Kasai’s eyes to keep herself from doing anything stupid again. What had that been anyway? The woman had been little else than cold and distant when they had been at her apartment. If she’d seen anything like that back then none of this would have happened. The pig removed the cuffs from Avani as he got her into a cell instead. She still kind of wished Kasai would put her into handcuffs, especially now after listening to her confession. Avani sat down on the bed and waited. She figured Kasai would show up soon enough. She was right, Kasai showed up an hour later at her cell. Avani was very hesitant to pleading guilty because the pigs had promised to let her go after three days if she did. She had no trust or faith in them whatsoever. Avani could get someone to defend her she supposed, but then Kasai might take more of a hit to her reputation and maybe even get fired. “You should be, but cool anyway, I can do three days.” Avani sighed. It was a bit of a let-down that this was how she ended up in jail for the first time though. She had done actual crimes and gotten away with them. Now she couldn’t brag about how she had never served time, and that was just because of some girl. Well, not just any girl. “However, now you are mine.” Avani said and leaned against the bars, looking Kasai in the eyes. “None of this would have happened if you had told me earlier today even half of what you said in the interrogation room.” She grinned. “In three days, when I get out of here, I will come to your apartment so you better be ready and waiting.” She reached her hand out between the bars and pulled Kasai towards her so she could whisper the rest without the nearby guard hearing. “I will break in your body as my own and make you forget any encounter you ever had with a man. You will be wearing something hot, something you’d not usually wear, but which you think I’d enjoy tearing off.” Avani let go off Kasai when the guard noticed she held her up against the bars and shouted at her. “Also, I need you to find someone that could bring my motorcycle to this building.” Avani stepped back, turned her back on Kasai and lay down on the bed. “We’ll call it even if you follow my instructions satisfactorily. You can leave now, and you don’t need to visit me again. It’s only three days if they are telling the truth. Take care of your leg, hun.” Avani pleaded guilty like Kasai had told her to the next morning, after getting some sleep in the cell she would be spending the next three days. There was no need for them to move her to another prison as it was such a short sentence. She wouldn’t be getting to meet her friends in prison or her mom in high security. She was quite shocked to find that the pigs hadn’t made her confess so they could put her away for a few years. She passed the three days’ time by exercising inside the cell. Once Avani was released, she found her motorcycle outside the police department. Kasai had followed that instruction well, and Avani drove back home to pick up some stuff before she could head to Kasai’s apartment. She put the box in the sidecar and drove to Kasai’s apartment. There she took the elevator up to Kasai’s floor, carrying the box under her right arm. Avani tried the door to her apartment, found it was unlocked and pushed it open. “Kasai?” She called out, with her sly smile on her lips.