It was not unexpected that Sabine would have a difficult time concentrating. Meesei could recall experiencing the very same issue when her father was beginning to give her lessons in healing, but it was something that was necessary to overcome if one wanted to use restoration in a practical sense. As such, she decided to handle the lesson in much the same way as her father. "Being able to concentrate despite any pain you are feeling is a skill that is unavoidable to learn for practical healing. It is not as much of an issue for healing others, but if you need to heal yourself, it can mean the difference between life and death. However, you do not need to overcome the problem all at once. I will numb the pain mostly, but not completely. I shall leave just enough so you can feel it, but it should not be terribly distracting." Meesei explained before reaching out to grab Sabine's wounded hand. Her hand glowed with a very faint golden light as Meesei's magic targeted her nerves, calming most of them, but leaving just enough active that Sabine could feel it. The cut itself she left untouched, though it had already stopped bleeding on its own. "Okay, look at it again. The part of you that causes the pain, like tiny strings or spider webs spread throughout your body, some of them should be active. When they are energized and sending the sensation to your mind, they influence the magicka around them just slightly. That is what you are perceiving when you 'see' them. To calm them as I have, you have to take the disturbed magicka around the wound and make it stable. This will, in turn, numb the pain. I will warn you that it is not easy at first. To say exactly [i]how[/i] to stabilize the magicka is not something easily put into words. You must simply feel it happening. I can say that the magicka follows the same patterns as your pain, so you may be able to use that to help. Now, give it a try. It may take a few tries, but once you have done it the first time, it becomes much easier." Meesei explained.