[center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/drakengard/images/3/3b/DD3_Zero_SS24.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width/640?cb=20131226040018[/img] "T-The hell?" the Intoner had no idea where she was. It was like some sort of environment that wasn't like anywhere else in the land of Midgard... like, at all. She didn't even remember on how she got here, because all she remembered was that she was stabbed to death by a dragonbone sword. Then how the hell did she survive that? No... more importantly, what was "Project Eden?" None of that regarding this 'Project Eden' made any sense to her, and that's because she came from a place where such concepts like that never existed. So... was she alone here?[/center]