[Damian] [color=FireBrick][i]Bingo.[/i][/color] The first blow connected with the front of the Blade Shield, just like he had thought it would. And just like he'd predicted, she came at him from behind. As she swung, the shield vanished and his left Hermes Blade connected with her saber, redirecting it towards the ground as his right came straight at her, the edge of the blade drawing a thin line of blood across her cheek. [color=FireBrick]"Don't underestimate your opponent."[/color] Master Jamie leaving him in charge hadn't gone unnoticed, but it was odd that she'd already be disappearing for some reason or another. But the match was the focus for the moment. Pulling his blade back, he back flips away and unleashes a storm of falling blades towards the noble, switching one of his swords to a reverse grip and closing the gap again, he thrusted, parried, slashed, and countered, earning couple nicks of his own in the process, one on his cheek, likely recompense for the one he gave her, and across his upper arm. Spotting an opening, he switches back to the Ares Blades and catches both sabers in the prongs, twisting the left one in a way that would force her to either let go of it or break her wrist.