Alyx let out a relieved sigh and relaxed. She was still jumpy from the last close call, and though she was ready for a fight, she wasn't eager to have one. She knew the rest of the group didn't want one either, and seeing as no one else came at the sound, she figured they weren't too worried. She was about to ask Jack if he was alright, but decided against it. She doubted anyone was okay right now. "Okay... Had me worried for a second," she said. She thought for a moment, wishing she had any clue where they should go. She didn't know where they would be safer, but she knew they needed a plan. "I'm not entirely sure," she admitted. "But you're right, we can't spend a lot of time in the woods. Later a couple of us can go look for a safer area. Near a more reliable food source." Being anywhere near other people, or where other people used to be, was risky. Officers were always on patrol in those areas, but they would starve out in the wilderness. It was an unavoidable risk.