[b]Name:[/b] Elisha Marluxia [b]Nicknames / Aliases:[/b] Eli / Elle [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] June 30th [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Class:[/b] White Mage [b]Occupation:[/b] Student [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Click Me] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rLcLFZ6.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Clothing Style:[/b] [hider=Click Me] [img]https://s.vndb.org/ch/15/33815.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Gentle, kind, shy, and meek, Elisha's personality was molded through her harsh upbringing. A girl with a heart of gold, she's always willing to help someone if it meant their happiness. Never one to hold a grudge, her kindness knows no bounds. She has always put others ahead of herself, where her martyrical nature has bit her in the rear more than once before. Despite this, she grit her teeth and forced herself to move on. Underneath all of this however, is a girl whose self-esteem is always at a dangerously low point. Someone who frequently questions her purpose and goal in life. Her outward demeanor hiding a frail and weak person. She frequently has considered committing suicide, but she has always barely shot the idea down by telling herself that she just needs a little more time to change. As a result of her family's long outdated look on left-handed people being "servants" of a greater evil, she has developed a complex about her dexterity. While she is naturally a southpaw, she has forced herself to deal with the world with her right hand as well. Elisha only ever reverts to her dominant hand in private or during dire situations, while keeping her right in public. [b]Hometown:[/b] Otonoki - A fairly average-sized town just about two hours to the South of Maplestead by horse. The town is best known for developing some of the most successful mages in history. Featuring some of the top ranking universities in the country, Otonoki's quality in teaching is well-known and respected. If one wants to learn how to be a very good mage, then Otonoki is one of the best places to learn at. Otonoki has a medieval theme attached to it. The town is abundant with nature and filled with green pastures and surrounded by forests. Aside from that, the town is covered by several mountains to its West side which compliment its old-fashioned look, as well as serve as the training grounds for up and coming mages. [b]Likes:[/b] Children, left-handed tools, music, reading [b]Dislikes:[/b] Loud and crowded areas, romance, large bodies of water, her family, being referred by her last name [b]Past / History:[/b] Born into the wealthy and prestigious but old-fashioned magi family of Marluxia, her upbringing was meant to be one of high class. At first, this was the case. An accident during her child years nearly took her life, as well as leaving her heart in a very frail state. Elisha was no longer able to be physically fit. Every time she tried to run, her heart would be strained easily and she'd be out of breath. Anything that shocks or surprises her can give her a heart attack. Anything that hits the area around her heart can give her a heart attack. Her family was supportive despite this. Her siblings were there to help, and her parents spent their precious work time to be with her. Somehow though, Elisha felt they were only doing all of this out of pity. A thought that quickly turned into fact. Her life slowly turned for the worse when her parents discovered her preference for her left hand. Her family was quick to change their demeanor around her. "A sign of the devil's servant", they say. Elisha's family beat her. They locked her in her room for years. Only letting her out for food and trips to the bathroom. The servants who tried to comfort or sympathize with her were quickly fired and replaced, eventually leaving her with no one to connect with. No one was allowed to be associated with the "devil's servant". She grew to resent her family, all the while never once losing her kindness to others despite the abuse. She greeted and spoke to them all the same, with a smile and polite mannerism. Over the years, she forced herself into relearning the world by using her right hand. Once her parents deemed that she has "cleansed" herself enough, they allowed her to "live" normally again. Given that she was tutored at home to avoid other people finding out about her dexterity on top of the abuse she went through, she had poor social skills. They eventually allowed her to study at a high school near their mansion. With her first year being the point of when she was taken advantage of several times due to her kind and awkward nature. She took all of this in stride. She never considered anyone her friend and treated everyone the same, despite a few of them showing legitimate signs of wanting to be friends with her.