Maiko and Morthulhu soon saw the fight that was going and wondered whether they should intervene. "These children are so eager to fight that they'll probably be the first to have their book burned, we will wait and see what happens" Maiko said to his mamodo. "But I want to fight now!" Morthulhu pouted and crossed his tentacled arms in annoyance. "Patience is a virtue little friend, if you want to become king of the mamodo world then you have assess battles before you get involved, we will soon unlock more spells and get more powerful, but first let's see how this fight goes" Maiko said to his partner. Morthulhu reluctantly nodded his head. "I still want to beat some skulls soon" the green mamodo said with a bit of a whine. "And you will soon, just wait a bit" Maiko replied as he watched the battle unfold.