[i]As the morning light slowly rose over the horizon and crept across the garden grounds, a single bloom drifted lazily in the pond, alone among dozens of buds. The soft white petals yearned for the crisp light of day, basking in the warmth and relaxing down against the pad as the sun was crawling overhead. All around it, others had yet to bloom, despite the care of the gardeners and the ideal conditions of the year. Some had even sank below the waters, their roots having rotted away unseen, or eaten by the fat fish swimming about the pond. Soft strands of the force ran between the flowers, their innate affinity linking them to it and feeding off the balance of energies.[/i] Obi-Wan Kenobi sat upon the bench at the edge of the pond, his mind in deep thought as he observed the flower and the force as he did every morning. The Gardens of Mandalore had always been more his own creation than one of the Paladin, a way of easing his mind before the inevitable headache of keeping the peace between the Enclaves. This was the price of balance within the order, however, one that he bore alone. A stirring at his side alerted him to another within the gardens, the soft swish of robes belonging to another of the order come to speak directly with him. To his surprise it was the master of Taris, Shimmerene the Cold Void, one of the more dark aligned masters. "It has been some time since you have come to visit, Cold Void." He said, curiosity evident in his tone as he welcomed the master to have a seat beside him, despite knowing the master always preferred to stand. Even more curious than Shimmerene's visit, was that the master accepted the offer, sitting upon the bench and staring out across the pond from beneath the folds of the hood. "My... My apprentices have begun their new life. I am now the master of cracked stone and dusty tomes once more." The voice which spoke was one that had clearly not been used for a long time, a rasp heavy on the otherwise feminine voice. Small ashen hands reached from the folds of the cloak, laying back the hood to reveal a dark face that would have otherwise been beautiful had it not been for the lack of emotion clear on her face. Her red eyes, however, seemed to bear a great sadness which reflected outwards in her dark aura of despair and coldness. Kenobi was unsure how to react, never before truly knowing the face of the Cold Void, or even knowing whether she was truly a gendered being. "We all find our paths sooner or later, Master Shimmerene, it was merely their time. Were you planning to remain on Taris and head the Enclave there? Could always use you around the temple here, dealing with some of the other masters gets tiring after a while." He gave a smirk, the kind he was infamous for back when the Order truly was the Jedi Order. "At one point," She said softly, trying to reduce the strain on her little used vocal cords "I would have said no, for despite what I may seem to others, I am still somewhat capable of forming attachments. Now though, I am alone without them, Solace and Requiem have gone to walk their path and leave me to my own." For a long moment the two sat upon the bench in silence, looking out upon the pond and the single flower bloomed in the center. Slowly, another opened up near it, soft blue petals unfolding to embrace the light. Kenobi leaned forward, a slight smile forming as he watched others bloom, one by one until the pond was filled with dozens of blooms of many colors, each of them floating lazily in the water and seeking the warmth of the sun. "It seems a new age has begun." He said simply, leaning back to relax before the imminent meeting. "Indeed it has." Shimmerene returned, looking down at her own hands in her lap, wondering what this new era would bring.