[h2]Earthland Train[/h2] Trinity smiles warmly as Maddox sees her way of things. "That's the spirit. I'm sure your new jacket will be rad." She rubs the back of Nori's neck gently as they sit. The bard's eyes flit between the two others with her, the blood mage and Maddox. "If you don't act with grace and gratitude, you may have the kindnesses extended to you rescinded." She took her hand from Nori to lightly pluck at her harp. There she was, echoing her aunt again... [h2]Edolas Capital City[/h2] Trin stepped out on to the parapet, to find only a puddle of blood and scattered dust. She climbs up on the edge and looks around carefully. With nothing more to be found, the young dancer approaches the pool of blood and kneels next to it. Trin has a hard time looking at it... was it hers? There was something mixed in, in the center, too, but she couldn't tell what from a glance. With a final glance around the area, the dancer departs. The dancer would eventually emerge from the castle, just as Mystery Karn ran past her. "Karn...? No..." It wasn't [i]her[/i] Karn, anyway. She stared after the figure, feeling particularly pensive.