[h1]Mathew Holmes[/h1] Well this was a surprise; turns out that Mia was his new roommate. Having had the upbringing he did, Mathew wasn't completely comfortable sharing a room with a girl his age that he wasn't either married or related to. '[color=fff79a]I can foresee this causing more then a few problems. How does one even go about sharing a room with a girl in the first place anyway?[/color]' His cheeks reddened a little bit Not having any idea how to handle this, Mathew was forced to play it by ear. First order of business; drop his stuff off at his new room '[color=fff79a]I suppose it's a good thing that I packed relatively light.[/color]' He thought to himself as he made his way through the crowd of students '[color=fff79a]I can't believe that the faculty would do something as irresponsible as putting boys and girls in the same room. I'm starting to worry for my future.[/color]' Once he reached his new room, he opened the door to find a surprise; Mia was already inside. It took Mathew's brain a few seconds to processes that '[color=fff79a]...that's right; Mia is my new roommate. I can't believe I let this catch me off guard.[/color]' It was at this point that Mathew entered unfamiliar territory "[color=fff79a]u-um...greetings Mia, fancy meeting you here[/color]" he said to her '[color=fff79a]did...did I [i]honestly[/i] just say that? What the blazes is wrong with me!?[/color]' he couldn't hide (mostly because he didn't realize it was even there) the red blush on his cheeks.