[i]'That's enough observing, earn your keep.'[/i] A familiar voice echo'd through Jake's mind forcing him back to reality. A lot had happened and Jake had merely observed this opponent of theirs shared more in common with that of an enraged monster than that of a human. The attacks at first seemed skilled, but over time it became clear that it was just aimless stampeding. "So you want me to earn my keep eh?" Jake mumbled to himself as he felt the pain in his chest and arm subside. "Then lets show this major a thing or two." As Jake pushed himself off from the wall he'd been slumped against he took one last glance at the entrance to the Major's office, no time to think of that now. Just before he could go on the offensive however it seemed reinforcements had arrived in the form of the operations leader, and a few more of the Balamb SeeDs. One had a less then fortunate entrance to say the least and the others had drawn the Major's attention. [i]"It's the implants! Hit him with Thunder, now!"[/i] So that was this enemies weakness was it? Jakes grip on his daggers adjusted as he coursed the energy of thunder from his spells into their tips. The blades let off a small spark as if to indicate that they were full of the magics potency, and on its signal Jake charged forward once more. The advantage was his as he used the Balamb SeeD being fired upon as an appropriate distraction as he delivers the first blow the Majors slightly less armoured back. The electricity sprung from the blades tip writhing through the Majors body and drawing his attention. As the Major turned to strike out in retaliation another slash was delivered across the chest plate of the armour the magics allowing the dagger to have more power as it bludgeoned cracked into this bulls steel shell. Jake managed to weave out of the way from the initial blow. "You've become... very predictable." This only enraged the Major more as Jake parried away and dodged further blows, each one parried send jolts of electricity through the Majors body. However it wouldn't last long as the Major grasped hold of Jakes shirt lifting the SeeD easily from the ground like it was a mere paperweight. The Major bared a smile for the brief moment he thought he had the upper hand until... "Thundaga!" Jake grabbed the arm that had him held in the air as a strong surge of electricity passes through the pair of them, enabling Jake to break free from the Major's grip as he staggers about in a foreseeable manner considering his immediately ended predicament. The spell had bought him enough time to get about a foot between them before he was snapped right back gasping for air. "Ack!" Jake chocked on his words as he was dragged by the Jacket that had, until recently, been acting as a sling for his injured arm. The SeeD flailed as he struggled to find his footing to ease the pain as he was pulled back his own dagger swings preventing anyone from getting close enough to separate the two. Unable to get himself out of his own predicament a flash of light rips the jacket between Jake and Wiggs, allowing Jake to scamper back to the safety of the other SeeDs. A series of obvious coughing followed and Jake quickly wiped away the small specs of blood that coated his lips following. 'Tha-thank you Kensei.' remembering not to voice it Jake silently thanked his watchful guardian, as he tried to recuperate and be prepared for when he'd next be expected to act.