Jericho didn't have any Thunder magic, it wasn't what he specialized in during training, or was it something that Glaciem got too close to, given it tended to make flying more difficult. However, Jericho remembered his trick at the communications tower and put his scythe on his back, charging a powerful ice spell in his hands. He had to make it count, as he only junctioned two of these spells a day sine he preferred to use Blizzara and Blizzard more often, with a about fifteen Blizzaga's for emergency purposes. He watched Xerox counter the Major's charge, applauding him for his bravery, then watched the SEED from Galbadia stun the major for the most part, though he earned a near suffocation to death for his efforts. But it provided an opening. [color=Gold]"Death's grip is cold, and so is this! Blizzaja"[/color] The entirety of the hallway lit up blue before an icy wind blew up and down it, frost forming along the walls and a lighter layer along the clothes and armor of the SEEDs. When it all cleared, the Major laughed and stepped towards the spell's caster. Or tried to. He instead jerked forward and didn't move at all. When he looked down, his legs were encased in a thick block of ice. He could also feel several of his implants short circuiting from the cold, which only enraged him further. [color=DarkRed]"TraItors....wIlL....DIE!"[/color] He began pounding away at the ice and Jericho blanched ever so slightly. [color=Gold]"If there's some kind of containment plan, nows the time. I don't relish looking like some of the others."[/color]