[h1]~Tony Hart~[/h1] Tony was generally a clam guy, with a charming and laid-back personality. But right now, these people were becoming rather irritating. Why couldn't people just get along, they could be so sensitive. Words were just words, they didn't inflict physical pain, and they should be mature enough to not let them get to them. "OH MY GOD, I'M SURROUNDED BY FUCKING LOSERS." A girl has yelled this for some reason, Tony hadn't heard the whole conversation, but those simple words started a fucking riot. Two girls looked like they were about to get into it, Tony recalled they were the ones with sound based powers. Shit. “WHAT THE HELL? FUCK OFF.” A scrawny looking guy piped in. Big words for such a little guy, the girls looked more intimidating than he did. "Yo, slut," the other girl said. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, So how about you apologize and I don't kick your ass." A girl with handcuffs and the scrawny guy attempted to calm the girl with the blue streaks in her hair, but it didn't look like it was working. "Oh, you must be the Queen of the Losers, then? How precious. You only live up to your title then, Loser, with how easily you get riled up. Run along, little Loser, I am sure your circle of reprobates can continue their discussion of things meant for babies and nerds - sorry, losers - who can't grow up, but do so in quiet. You two must be the King and the Princess then, yes? How adorable. Oh, yes, I'M the one making an ass of myself, when it is Queen Loser here flying off the handle over simple words. Take her away, you two, she's only serving to embarrass herself and I am almost feeling sorry for her. Much the same way a member of PETA feels sorry for a caged animal in the zoo. Run along now, before people start assuming I'm in league with you. And by the way, turn that awful junk down, would you? Some of us don't enjoy the sounds of garbage in our ears." Hart once again stood up, if a fight broke out, the tram would be demolished, along with everyone in it probably. Tony swiftly put himself between the two girls staring down at both of them. "This is not the time or place for a fight to break out. Can we all please just calm down?" As he said this, he was preparing to stop both of them, if things got out of hand. Tony could activate his suit at anytime, it would unfold from what seemed to be out of no where, when really it was attached to his back. It was folded quite nicely, and it was almost unnoticeable under his shirt. Shit was totally about to down and Techno was in the fucking middle of it.