Here's my character. Name: Martin Johnson Alias: Judgment, he prefers to be called Judge. Age: 22 Personality Martin is incredibly religious, which is understandable given his childhood years living in a very catholic household, and also having powers given to him from heaven. Because of his fundamental attitudes, he is very critical of things that he views as evil and heretical. Politically Martin is very conservative and believes that society should respect religious laws. He tries to follow the Ten Commandments as much as possible, but his obsession to distribute holy justice has made it hard for him to follow the commandment of ‘Thou shall not kill.’ He views himself as a judge of God and has heavenly right to pass judgment on those he views as sinners. Thanks to growing up in an angry household Martin developed a short-temper and he expresses this anger through his religious zeal. He has a huge holier-than thou attitude and views himself as being morally superior to anyone who he deems ungodly. Despite all of his flaws Martin stills believes in Christian charity for those he believes deserves it and his sense of valor and loyalty is as strong as his faith. He believes in religious truth and doesn’t like to lie; lying is one of the many ways of Satan to him. Even though he is not too much of a team player, Martin will work with others if he views it as a way to more efficiently do God’s work. Powers Holy Fire: By channeling the fury of God, Martin is able to fire divine flames from his body, which can only burn things that have life. These flames are incredibly hot and damage the soul as well as the body. Gauntlet of Behemoth: Martin has a gauntlet that allows him to channel the power of the behemoth to either cause great destruction by slamming it into things or summon the massive spirit of the beast to do battle for a matter of seconds. This ability can take up a lot of strength and energy to use, which is why he only uses this ability on rare occasions. Divine Shield: He surrounds himself in a barrier of holy light, which protects him from dark powers and possession. This attack is useless against non-supernatural attacks. Holy Light: Martin can channel divine energy to create bright light that can be blinding in its radiance. Cross of Suppression: By using heavenly powers Martin is able to create Christian crucifixes that he can use to stab and burn his enemies with divine energy and can be used to paralyze foes. Holy Bible: Martin uses his Old Catholic bible to create glowing divine chains to bind his opponents. The book also allows him to perform exorcisms and purify areas with evil, he can also use the book to heal people but this power can quickly drain him of his strength. Sin Senses: Martin has a sixth sense, which allows him perceive a person’s sin. He cannot tell, which sin it is, but he knows that they have sinned and he can track it like a beacon. Weaknesses His powers are weaker against Iron and are almost completely ineffective against silver. Aside from his divine powers Martin is basically human and suffers from the same physical limitations as a regular human. Doing ungodly things can also weaken his powers. Appearance Martin has bright blonde hair and green eyes. He is six feet tall and leanly built with a average amount of muscle. His costume is a white and red tunic with a [url=]catholic cross[/url]. The costume also has a monk-style hood and Martin does not wear masks since he views them as being a tool for deceiving, which is the devil's work. BRIEF Bio Martin spent most of his childhood under a very religious household and was taught about the evils that permeated this world through sin. His parents told him that the devil was in most things of the world and Martin became focused on getting rid of all sin in the world around him. He grew a fascination with exorcisms and demonology, which he hoped to use in combating hell and all of its wickedness. Martin’s mother and father sent him to catholic school wanting him to keep up his morals and not have him become corrupted by the modern world. As his childhood passed him by Martin became more determined to go out and combat evil in the world. His first targets were cults that he believed were minions of the devil, but he didn’t have the resources to combat such groups, he needed more power. Martin decided to go on a pilgrimage throughout the United States to see what the other churches of the Christian faith used to combat the devil and his minions. On his pilgrimage he saw many things and the suffering of the American people from the corrupting powers of sin and ignorance. He also saw the heroes of the country rise to the challenge of fighting evil. Martin had always viewed Superman like an angel of goodness and loved how he brought hope wherever he went. During a visit to a catholic church in New Orleans Louisiana Martin was given a visit from the Spectre. Martin didn’t know much about the being, but he did know that the spirit was said to be the embodiment of God’s vengeance, and he fell on his knees in prayer at the sight of the Holy Spirit. The Spectre told him to rise and informed him of being chosen as being the champion of higher power against the evil in the world. Martin couldn’t believe what he was hearing, of all of the Christians in the world he was being chosen to be a force of God’s will. The Spectre warned him that the path was his to choose and if he chose it then he would not be able to go back and his life would never be the same again. Martin accepted the being’s offer and like a holy miracle bright light came down from the heavens and Martin was bathed in the warm, mystical glow. He felt power begin to enter his body and the feeling was almost overwhelming. “You shall have powers beyond any mortal man. Martin Johnson, you shall now be a servant of God’s power and will.” Those were the words that the Spectre spoke to him and Martin’s powers were fully bestowed to him. He felt powerful and now he was ready to go combat evil in the world. Martin took the name Judgment, as he was a judge for God on earth. He sought to rise among the ranks of heroes, but his zealous desire to destroy sin made him disliked among the more liberal heroes. After hearing about a team of heroes that were more on the rougher side, Martin decided that it was his chance to try and make himself able to spread his divine judgment to the world around him. What they bring to the team? He brings divine guidance and tight morals to the team. He is also willing to go to the extremes with Judgment. Notes