[i][color=yellow]"If there's some kind of containment plan, now's the time. I don't relish looking like some of the others."[/color][/i] With those words spoken, a quartet of orbs crackling with lightning flew to the front of Jericho and promptly began to hum as they sat. She'd finally made it. A swift movement and a scan of the scenario in front of her. There were people hurt...People she'd been too late to come and get out the way of. That...[i]really pissed her off.[/i] From the glimpse behind Eika -- if one had followed her path at all -- husk after husk of patrol that had tried to stop her advance lay in her wake. She'd made it in with a few scratches -- only the most visible being on her cheek from what could be presumed a bullet scraping by -- and evident panting spoke of the fatigie raking at her body for leaving the infirmary in such a poor condition. The mental condition, the weakened state from the coma itself, and extensive usage of Junctioning and [i]tearing people apart to turn them into spell fodder[/i]. She might drop at this rate...she needed- ...Duncan was a pool of spells that could keep her standing. And as inconvenient as it was...she needed them to keep herself awake. [color=#990099]"Instructor..."[/color] Yes. Eika Munashii had finally arrived on scene and the first thing she did was yank Duncan back in order to... Well. Kiss him. A blatant motion that came with the visible [i]borrowing[/i] of support magicks that she'd witnessed him use back during her exam. Haste. Protect. Shell. Regen. Now was probably the time where she spoke the moment she took her lips away from his and cleared her throat, body aglow with the cocktail of "wake-up" spells that she'd used on herself via...well. His mouth. [color=#990099]"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting. Let me help with the big scary man, if you would."[/color] And with that, the rotating quartet began to fire now that her concentration was finally focused. Four swift Thundaga spells flowing out from each orb to hit at the opposing and fairly pissed off cyborg's body. A pull forward and a deliberate number of steps taken to the side to get out of the way of others followed. She was finally where she belonged, after forcing her body to cooperate after sleeping for so long. With the people she would happily [i]die[/i] for.