Master Jamie just stood as the boy spun to face him, hands up. She smiled as the boy clearly thought it was some sort of joke, or as if he thought that Master Jamie wasn't here for him. How the boy could talk with so much candy in his mouth, she had no idea. He seemed a skittish kind of person, and Jamie wondered what the boy had gone through to be like that. Ready to fight in a matter of moments was good, but not in a suburb of a city. Of course, in Magnolia, you could never be too sure, Jamie supposed. [color=f26522]"You shouldn't be a little discouraged because of what has happened in the guild today. This?"[/color] he laid a hand over the bandaged wound, gently, [color=f26522]"Just shows that I protected my members. And I'm still here to tell the tale."[/color] Master Jamie smiled, and said [color=f26522]"Yes. I am Master Jamie of Phoenix Wing."[/color]