[i]Minerva Fairchild[/i] - [u]The Lion's Fang[/u] Twirling through the air, [i]Durendal[/i] slammed into the ground and dug deeply into the street as it was stolen away from her grasp by Damian. With the initial exchange that lead to a clash of steel, a think line of crimson trailed down Minerva's fair cheek. As he broke away to retort with a set of words he likely believed were unsettling, she gave him no response, no words. There was only the sheer amount of focus in her eyes as they blazed with literal magic. He thought she was underestimating him? Hardly, if at all. She knew he was an S-Class Magi. The thin line on her cheeks that stung viciously reminded her all to well of that. She however, was an A-Class. Nothing fantastic or unimaginable by all means. She sought to spar against this man to see where she stood against him; she did not seek to fight him however to combat over ideals. Smoothly, Minerva unsheathed [i]Caladbolg[/i] from its sheath. Her sword, her own priceless [i]personal[/i] sword sang as the air came to touch it. Deftly, it snapped onto her side just as the blades he had conjured came in a barrage towards her from the distance. Beyond them, she saw Damian closing the distance. Swiftly, Minerva kicked to the side, moving swiftly to the right to retrieve [i]Durendal[/i]. Once her fingertips wrapped about the hilt, the world literally came to a near complete pause in her perception. Seizing her sword and launching herself towards Damian's barrage, the movement of which appeared her like slowly falling shards of glass. Weaving through the blades, the girl easily ducked and wove between the onslaught of blades. Until she swept past them and sharply closed the distance with Damian. In the perception of her adversary, Minerva was standing distant one moment with both swords in hand, and the next moment she was just barely a hair's breadth away from striking range of her adversary. With both swords drawn, the intensity by which she struck in both speed and strength had [i]doubled[/i]. With a sharp parry, Minerva found herself an opportunity and [i]Caladbolg[/i] swung in vertically on high. Naturally, Damian would cross the blades in defense to stop the strike, but the ferocity by which they collided, resulted in shattering of the surrounding street beneath Damian's feet. So monstrous was it that a crater formed as a result while the very foundations of the buildings around them shook and shuddered as if in fear. She was using him as a test for her strength. That was all that mattered. No other words needed to be said on her part.