[Damian] Damian pushed off from the ground, using the crater and crossed to his advantage, and swung and twisted his body so he was above the noble. Spinning, he slammed his boots into her back and pushed off, landing on the ground, switching one of his Hermes blades to a Hercules Blade. Spinning it, he summoned a series of falling blades, but didn't have them all fall at once, instead sending them them out in waves as he landed. Sliding to a stop, he sent out a Piercing Blade as well. Then he waited, as she came out of the crater and avoided the falling blades and the Piercing Blade. This time when she came at him though, he side stepped the attack and slammed his elbow into her back, causing her to stumble. He followed it up with a Hercules Strike, bringing the suddenly duel Hercules Blades down in an arc and slamming the ground and sending the shattering impact towards her. As she dodged, just barely, he was back to his Hermes Blades, spinning, slashing and thrusting to keep the noble on the defensive. Then he saw his opening as she parried a slash from the left. Damian spun into her guard and dismissed both of his swords, delivering a quick pair of jabs to her abdomen and then catching her right hand and disarming her, the sword spinning away once more. Dodging a slash, he summoned a single Ares Blade and caught her remaining sword in it's prong, twisting sword and body, Damian flipped her over his shoulder and disarmed her at the same time, standing straight for just a moment before falling to one knee and breathing heavily, his skin a sickly white. [color=FireBrick]"OK....need...more rest..."[/color] And then he promptly passed out, the sword in his hand fading away as he fell to the cobble stone.