Candy looked upon the bandaged wounds upon the guild master and felt weird on how they were acting like the apperance of Candy was just a natural thing. Usually, people always ask him a bunch of questions that he would rather not answer and later pull several pranks on them for retaliation as he couldn't really physically damage civilians with his two fist. The boy was shifting his eyes to and from the bandage wound and the guild master's face, he never really understood the real fact on why people would help each other out as no one really helped him out in actual kindness. The rich merely took him in because it made themselves feel better that they were supposed good people by helping out a poor street urchin, but they were still bad people to the core. Feeling quite jittery, he started to tap his feet onto the ground repeatedly while tapping his fingers on his arms, trying to use the excess energy that Candy always had on him. "Protected your family from some big bad guy? Nice job, now, would you care to help this poor little boy get some money by accepting him into the guild? I would say that he is quite handsome and has super awesome tasting and powerful magic." Candy chuckled at his own little jokes, something that he always did whenever he felt slightly nervous.