[centre] [h3][color=fdc68a]~Graham Turner~[/color][/h3] [color=fff200]"Oh, you must be the Queen of the Losers, then? How precious. You only live up to your title then, Loser, with how easily you get riled up. Run along, little Loser, I am sure your circle of reprobates can continue their discussion of things meant for babies and nerds - sorry, losers - who can't grow up, but do so in quiet.”[/color] Graham was struck dumb for a moment. She was really digging, huh? Why was she being like this? It’s not like there was anything to be gained. Graham barely noticed the tall guy stepping between the two. But he did eventually. For another moment, he was jealous of the guy. Why not share some of the height, jerk? Then another bomb dropped. [color=fff200]You two must be the King and the Princess then, yes? How adorable. Oh, yes, I'M the one making an ass of myself, when it is Queen Loser here flying off the handle over simple words. Take her away, you two, she's only serving to embarrass herself and I am almost feeling sorry for her. Much the same way a member of PETA feels sorry for a caged animal in the zoo. Run along now, before people start assuming I'm in league with you. And by the way, turn that awful junk down, would you? Some of us don't enjoy the sounds of garbage in our ears."[/color] Graham’s booked it, one-way trip to Phoenix, smell ya later folks. Jumping at it’s moment, his mouth hijacked the controls. [color=fdc68a]“Yeeew lit’ll bitch… Go ‘head ‘n’ kick’r ass, dude.”[/color] he mumbled, his normally neutral and quick accent fragmenting into the slow, “southern” tongue of his Kentucky people. Unsure if anybody heard, not really caring if they did, he barely resisted the urge to just spit at the girl. Hell, even he wanted to jump her now. He wouldn’t, but was there ever a time which tempted him so much? He turned his head in disgust. Any beauty she might have had (which was quite a bit, admittedly), melted, exposing hideous sores bore from hate. This thing wasn't a person anymore, just a rotting husk. Not literally, mind you, but Graham couldn’t bare to look at the woman without wanting to spit. But what he saw next made him wish he could. There, before him, was a monstrosity. Fangs and mouth covered a hideous mass. That-that thing? That wasn’t real. Wasn’t a way in hell. He was just seeing thing from his rage. Had to be it. Then it spoke. So he was hearing things too. He felt as if he were going to pass out. If he kept looking at it, he might actually go insane. It wanted everyone to be quiet? He wasn't about to argue with it. Pissing it off was the last thing he wanted to do. He could faintly hear Alexis and Kitty speaking. An escape from madness. The sound of a window shattering and a bump from Kitty kept his sanity intact. He lost his footing and tumbled forward, landing much too close to the abomination for comfort. He might have screamed, might have bolted from the floor and crawled out the window, consequences be damned. Rather, he regained his footing, took a deep breath, and backed up slowly to the scene unfolding behind him. He turned back to see Kitty tugging at Alexis’ sleeve, begging her to leave. What the hell had he just missed? What the hell was behind him? What the hell was going on in this train? As if on cue, everything stopped. And little Graham got introduced to Newton's First Law of Motion. Quite intimately. For a brief moment, he thought he was floating. The next, he was falling. His head made contact with the floor before the rest of his body. And thus Graham was sprawled out, staring at the train's ceiling. Had it always had dancing spots? [/centre]