Master Jamie laughed. She just couldn't help it. The boy seemed to expect that at any moment, something bad might happen. That Jamie himself might even attack, or banish him. As the boy tapped, and moved, almost unable to stay still, Well, Jamie suspected that the boy ate the candy one after the other, so he wasn't surprised that he seemed to be jingling with excess energy. [color=f9ad81]"Of course you may join my guild. Phoenix Wing always accepts members. And today seems to be the day for it. You are the Fifth new member I've accepted today"[/color] Jamie smiled, almost proudly, [color=f26522]"Come. Lets head back to the guild"[/color] Jamie looked about, getting her bearings, and then led the way back to the guild, [color=f26522]"So you can get your mark and settle in"[/color]