Aery groaned inwardly, already propelling herself towards the fishtank. She only kept them to see the effects of space-travel on aquatic organisms, and at times like this they were definitely more of a hindrance than of benefit. She slammed the lid on tightly, slowing the leakage of water, even as Kiki came hurtling out of nowhere with duct tape. Aery taped the lid in place and then let go, dodging a few other animal crates. She checked to make sure her biospheres, softball-sized globes with miniature ecosystems and miniature creatures inhabiting them, were safely secured to their stands, and then she propelled herself down the hall with the handholds scattered around for just that purpose. She saw Charlie floating in a cloud of tools and sighed, gathering up screws and bits of wire lest they impale themselves in anyone's eyes. "Why'd the gravity turn off?" She asked. "Did I catch my foot on the wire again or something? I swear I've been careful."