[i]Minerva Fairchild[/i] - [u]The Wrath of Ancient Kings[/u] In a swirling tempest of movement, Minerva had been disarmed and flung over the man's shoulder. Even the two sharp pains to her abdomen did not hamper her focus as deftly she caught her fall easily with her fingertips and flipped in the midst of a spin. Gracefully, her skirt flared outward, and she landed nimbly on her feet. Without her swords in hand, the magic about her gaze faded and her expression slipped into a disgusted scowl. It was a weakness that she had always possessed, but it was one that she had compensated deftly with all the same. Turning and expecting to see Damian upon her to finish the fight, the Noble was surprised simply see the puff of dirt that announced his collapse in the center of the crater that she had created. Exhaustion, apparently seemingly the result of the wickedly fast conflict. Sauntering over to her swords one at a time, Minerva plucked them upward and pulled a handkerchief from the inside of her bolero jacket. Running the piece of fine silk along the flawless edge of [i]Durendal[/i], she returned her father's blade to the sheath it belonged in. Doing the same with [i]Caladbolg[/i], she offered only a side glance to the unconscious S-Class Magi. There was moment of hesitation before she strode back into the Guild past the others. [color=662d91]"Do [b]not[/b] speak to me about sacrifice as if I know [i]nothing[/i] of it, you mutt."[/color] Then placing the thin piece of silk against her bleeding cheek, applying pressure so that the blood might stop, she sauntered back into the hall with her smoldering gaze. Angrily, she left Damian in the crater. To her dislike, the fight had ended in a draw. She being disarmed and he exhausted, but at least she could go toe-to-toe with a supposedly S-Class Magi as an A-Class. There was much work to be done still before she could go beyond even that. Sliding into a seat at the bar, she rested her elbow upon the polished ledge to put additional pressure on her cheek to further stem the bleeding.