Aery frowned. "Either way that's a bad thing. Why'd we get this dinghy anyway? We knew it was old and about ready to be retired." She giggled rather insanely and shoved the piles of screws and wire bits that she was clutching into a random toolbox. She too crossed her legs, only to curse as a sound of clanging erupted from down the hallway and Kiki was dragged in by Aery's canary. "Aery, the blasted birds figured out how to get out of their cages!" She let go and was flung into a wall face-first, to come bouncing off right into Charlie. "Sorry!" she squeaked in her overly high-pitched voice. Aery sorted out the bird dilemma, strapping each terrarium to the wall, and reorganized her notes and pinned them to clipboards (rather than leaving them strewn all over as she usually did) and floated back in to chatter with Kiki and Charlie. Her hair floated in a cloud around her head; in exasperation she yanked it back behind her head into a loose braid and tied it off with a spare silicone band.