[center][img]http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/97263313/21563146[/img][/center] Gilbert was slightly caught off guard once more as another unfamiliar approached. However, this boy seemed to be friendlier and less... eccentric than that self-proclaimed detective had been. Gilbert's golden gaze looked at Issei for a short moment, after the boy introduced himself to Gilbert in a friendly, and open way. He gave a slight, momentary frown, feeling his hands crave the feeling of having a cigarette in then. He looked back up towards the newcomer, before introducing himself in a polite, abet reserved tone. [color=gold]"Gilbert."[/color] He simply stated. [color=gold]"Back at you."[/color] He gazed back towards the festival's many lights, and was wondering why the boy wasn't there instead of back here. Despite Gilbert's attempts to remain alone, people still seemed to be finding him. At least it wasn't Vincent. He still felt awkward and a bit uncoordinated around his brother, despite knowing him for ages. The years where they had perhaps been split apart prevented Gilbert from getting close to his brother. [color=gold]"This festival is exhausting."[/color] The raven-haired man mused. For the last couple of days, since he woke up here, people had been making a big deal of the festival. Gilbert closed his tired eyes and leaned back against the fallen log some more.