Liron wasn't sure what he was expecting when she ignored his, well, he supposed it was a request to take him to the fire station. His head (along with the rest of his body) was screaming in agony, each time his broken leg hit a step pain shot through his body as if he had been branded with a hot iron and he had to bite his tongue to keep from crying out in agony. Still, tears welled up in his eyes - it seemed even when his mechanical eyes they seemed to have forgotten to take out his tear ducts. Finally, [b]finally[/b] they managed to get to her apartment. His eyes glanced around, taking everything in. A person's home could say a lot about them with their decorations. Liron had learned over the course of the years to at least give a cursory look around since it could help if he found himself consoling the family. A room with a lot of religious artifacts, such as crosses, were more likely to be soothed by telling them the Lord would be watching out for them than someone who had none. Sometimes if the house was a lost cause, he would look for anything which might lessen the blow, even a little bit. He typically looked for photos, preferably of families, since people tended to appreciate those the most. Especially if they forgot to back them up somewhere, which seemed to be a lot. However, when he looked around this young woman's apartment, he didn't glean any new information. It was odd and colorful, just like her. "[i]Vos habere potuit in salutem. Habebis ignis[/i].[b]I am awake[/b]." His attention immediately turned to the TV, which was an older model, and he caught sight of two green eyes bore right into the camera. Of course, Liron could understand the Latin which was being uttered, however he didn't really register it as a different language due to the vast amount of pain and discomfort in his mind. However, as a firefighter he didn't exactly like the idea of "there will be fire." His brow furrowed as he moved a brush poking into his backside. He didn't really know what was going on, and with his scattered memory and the massive amount of pain he was in he was hardly beneficial to the fire department if he returned. He sighed as he glanced to where the sounds where coming from, not quite to make sure of the situation. Still it would be unbecoming not to at least thank her. "Thank you in advance for your assistance. Not many would have stopped," Liron called out, as he adjusted himself to find a more comfortable position.