Name: Vance Meridian Nicknames/Aliases: N/A Gender: Male Birthday: May 19th Age: 33 Class: Templar Occupation: Knight Species: Human Appearance: [hider=Close up of face/hair] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Full armor] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Commoner clothing] [img][/img] [/hider] Clothing Style: (See above) Personality: Vance is very strict with the rules that he was raised by, and keeps these morals as his guides in whatever he does. He has a strong sense of justice, and what he feels is right and wrong. He's easy to get along with, as long as he doesn't suspect any foul play has been done by those around him. Though he is quiet, and reserved in his opinions of those around him, he is usually empathic to those who he is near. Likes: Order, protecting those who can't protect themselves, camping. Dislikes: Disobedience, injustice, disagreements. Past/History: Growing up, Vance was seen to be quite skilled in the healing arts, and displayed a fierce protectiveness of those around him whenever they were being mistreated, or bullied. This led to him being recommended to the knighthood for training to become a Templar. In his teenage years, he showed promise, but the hopes were dashed when he saw a friend get killed, and the murderer walked, due to a technicality in the system. Vance went out that night, and killed the man himself, thus betraying his order. He went into hiding for years, just recently emerging again after a hiatus, leading a nomadic life mostly in solitude after the 'incident'. Time hasn't done much to alleviate his feelings of guilt for his betrayal, though he was never caught, or brought to trial for his own crimes. He has been traveling across the land, trying to do everything in his power to right his wrongs, helping anyone who will accept it, and never take payment for his deeds. The first place that he approached was the forest town of Masa(May-sa), and he considers that his 'home'. He can never again go back to his kingdom for fear of being charged for his crimes.