Sev and Kali watched the pair flee deeper into the forest. Kali frowned and looked up at her partner. "Why did you let them go?! You had a perfect opportunity to burn their book!" She folded her arms and looked down at the ground. "I didn't even get a good attack on them..." Kali pouted. Sev opened the book and flipped to the newly readable page. "Those times we did attack drained me of energy, Kal. At least we got a new spell out of it." Although he was curious of what the second spell actually did, Sev wanted to wait to use it. He felt as if he could only pump out one or two more spells. The endurance of casting spells would come in time, but for now that was all he could manage. Kali quickly snapped out of her mood and looked around frantically. "What was that?" She muttered. Sev looked around as well, "what?" Kali looked up at him then pointed back at the town, "someone else is fighting. Lets go check it out." Sev nodded, "we're not getting involved though. I need to build up my strength again."