[color=00f0ff]"Sooo…… If we can't live [i]OUR[/i] life, then Who's life do we live? We could reinvent our self over and over I suppose, moving and changing names, appearances, and all that, but why?"[/color] Rez was babbling and he knew it but wasn't gonna stop, yet. [color=00f0ff]"I mean, what do we want to do with our life if we have to live like this? I don't really know about you, but I'm not totally enjoying having someone in my head bossing me around, I'm sorry, but I am NEVER going back to those sici, sicatra, Sacias, sintara……… whoever those things are. Never again, [i]thank you[/i] verry much."[/color] He knew he had gone off on a tangent, he also knew that he was probably provoking Katherin, as she had said she had been training to be one of those psychiatrist, psychologist people or something like that. His voice was busy whispering; [color=87CEFA][i]Go for it, provoke her, make her mad, come on challenge her, it dosn't have to be her, anyone will do, throw me a bone, yeah? [b]Come on[/b], you haven't gotten yourself a challenge for [b]ages[/b], and you know what that means. Just challange her, him, any one of them, the next one to speak, there, challenge the next on to speak, OOOHHH…… what about the one in the back, with blue hair? She looks easy to take on, beat her, come on. Unless you [b]want[/b] to fail? In that case how about him, the one with ice eyes? Or Mister talkative over here? I really don't care [b]who[/b] you challange, but hurry up and do it![/i][/color] It was getting more than Rez could bare, the constant nagging of his voice for a challenge, the news that he would be like this [i]forever[/i]. [color=00f0ff]"So is there any way out that [i]doesn't[/i] include dying? And if not, What the hell do we plan to do with our lives?"[/color]