As Horus flew towards Press, a blue blur shot past it. Horus paid it no mind; it was irrelevant compared to its main goal. Meanwhile, Press was still on the ground, waiting for the last few seconds of repair time on his wings to run out, when a little icon flashed on his visor, signaling the arrival of his trusty automaton falcon Horus. Press raised his forearm, and Horus used it as its perch, landing on his arm before climbing up to Press' shoulder. "What do you have for me, Horus?" Press asked. Horus responded by downloading the video and other information it had obtained while on the mothership. The alien leader was clearly marked, and Press knew that such a being would not be defeated easily. The others that had been fighting on the ship were doing what they could, but it wasn't much. Then the odd blue "hero" caught his attention. Pausing the video playing on his visor, he saw this blue and red blur shoot across the sky, saying the ship from a terrible crash and preventing a massive loss of lives. Was that... Superman? He was too fast to get a proper look at, but... Where had [i]he[/i] been this entire time? Especially with all these aliens around? And what was going on? Setting aside the questions for later, Press constructed his wings. They weren't at optimal performance, but they would get the job done. "Save the civilians, everyone!" Press said to the others. Shooting off towards the mothership, he used the information of the ship's layout to determine where the prison cells in the ship were. Press knew there were civilians who had not been very fortunate, and someone had to free them.