[center][h1][i][u][color=cyan]~Erika Furudo~[/color][/u][/i][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/a8a18796c66a7c00cd960e7b2fcb2666/tumblr_inline_n6tzqgPMRR1ql8ac4.jpg[/img] Putting a finger to the side of her head, the detective had a slight smile grow on her face as she sees that the obviously obvious. For now, she lets the obvious suspect and culprit go... she had things to piece together anyways. Or was it that she was setting up for something? Whatever she planned to do, she mostly spoke of it to herself in an odd manner. [color=cyan]"By the way he reacted to this attention... there are some things I can conclude,"[/color] Erika says this mostly to herself, but that taunting grin was still on her face. Not caring if this would be seen as strange, it was a technique that a special detective such as herself should always have. [color=cyan]"In that case,[/color][color=blue] [b][u]our suspect has to be the one that refuses to answer my questions...[/u][/b][/color][color=cyan] Heh..."[/color] she says with literal words that appear near her in the color blue. The next second, those manifested words transforms into blue chains that race their way towards Rumble. Regardless of what he could do, those blue chains wrapped around him, but it wasn't greatly restraining as one would think those chains would be. [@Mtntopview][@nerminator] [/center]