2nd Pair :D : Mark was walking around town enjoying the sunlight, when he saw someone frantically running toward him, carrying a book. Mark raised an eyebrow at the sight, wondering why this kid was so excited. "Are you alright?" he yelled, walking quicker toward the kid. [i]Paul was racing down the street toward a person who he knew could read his spell book. As Mark saw him, Paul started to act wild. "HELP THERE SOMEONE TRYING TO KILL ME!" He screamed.[/i] Mark ran all the more toward the boy, worried about the person trying to kill the kid. They met up in the middle of a road, both gasping for air. "Where is the guy, we should get out of sight before he catches up" He exclaimed [i]"Now that I have your attention" He said in a normal voice, then threw the book straight at the Mark. "READ IT!" He yelled. "I must know if you can read it!"[/i] Mark skimmed through it, and stopped on a page he could read. "Bert?" He said quietly. Mark looked up and saw that there was now a duck standing in the boys place. The duck looked like it could take on a couple of evil geese, if there were any around. "What in the world? What kind of incredible power is this?" He said. [i]Paul smirked as the duck. "This will help me to become king of the mamodo world!" He yelled, throwing a wing into the air. "With my powers and your ability to read words, we are going to be unstoppable!" He yelled. "Let us make hast for battles are already beginning!" Paul, in duck form, flew off with the speed of...big surprise, a duck. He flew until he found a nice field with a fence. He saw some guy hitting on a girl, out of a vehicle. He landed near the unsuspecting people, knowing that his duck transformation was perfect.[/i] Mark scrambled to catch up to his duck friend, and finally came upon a field, where there was soil as far as the eye could see. Mark ran up to the other two people noticing they had little buddies with them, and books! "HEY YOU GUYS HAVE BOOKS TOO?!?!" He screamed, even though he was about 5 feet from them.