[@PlatinumSkink] [quote=@PlatinumSkink] [@71342] If you want to change him to a brigand, that is entirely up to you. I mean, I'm probably going to compensate whatever you don't have with NPCs anyway, so... What do you feel you'd have the most fun playing as? An odd magician or an odd axe-wielder? Edit: Seen from a different perspective, you'd leave Calico as the only offensive magic-user and join a way larger bunch of physical damage-causers. ... Granted, that group tends to be larger anyway, but eh. [/quote] It's not like my Fire Emblem party mostly consists of Assassins, Sword masters, and Heroes anyways. Who needs diversity when you can choppy choppy stabby stabby your way to victory. Edit: As for more characters. It's a tough decision. I wouldn't mind more later but as of now maybe just 1 more would be okay so we can start with 10 characters. (A nice rounded number.)