[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/e9YkRne.png[/img][/center] Kigro's eyes wandered away from the fireworks and towards another being on the sand. Instinctively he curled into his blanket at the sudden sight of another; ghost stories of ages long past have definitely warned him about these sorts of things. After a while of watching he quickly assured himself that dastardly spirits had not come to haunt him tonight. The man seemed... stressed to say the least, and despite wanting some company he felt it best to not draw his attention. [@Trainer N] As time passed after that, he felt an urge growing evident in his mind; he was hungry and Kigro hadn't brought any food. Funny, he usually wasn't this hungry, and he swore that he had eaten a few days before. Kigro came to the conclusion that it was from the smells of the festival, and their attempts to win him over had succeeded. With the blanket still wrapped around him, he stood and made his way towards the festival. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/e9YkRne.png[/img][/center] It had been a while since Kigro had been to the festival, so upon getting their he was pleasantly surprised. That much was evident on his face. The colorful assortment of people, lights and food warmed his soul, like the blanket burrito he walked in. However something caught his eye... many of these people were new to him. That was strange... was he really that detached from the public? Whatever the case, that just meant he had to make some new friends. He dismissed his hunger for the time being and began to wander the fairgrounds with wonder. His adventure stopped his he caught glimpse of what appeared to be Voltron's niece. A rather peculiar sight on the island, not impossible, but peculiar. It was an awesome sight... but something was happening, like, really strange stuff. Blue words were just poofing into existence, then turning into chains to constrict the cool robo, it all seemed rather terrible to watch. Kigro ran over to the group with heroic wonder. "H-Hey!" He called out, the blanket burrito man stopping behind them. "What are you two doing? I hope you're not thinking of destroying that car, Glottis will get mad." Kigro eyes examined the two with worry. They were a strange couple, people he had never met before. Currently they seemed like people wanting to encourage violence on the island... [@Mtntopview][@Gummi Bunnies][@nerminator]