[center] [color=f7976a]~Meredith Hillard~[/color] After she had made her grand entrance, things started moving much faster. That was good - it was having the intended effect she desired. At least, that's what she told herself when in reality she didn't have any such plan to begin with. Or maybe she did. Either way, it was good things were moving along smoothly enough. [color=f49ac2]"So, Anyone else think we've seen entirely too many horrifying monsters today?"[/color] This response elicited a melodic laugh from meredith, a laugh someone wouldn't expect - or maybe they would, from something that looked as she currently did. Whoever this girl was, was probably going to be fun to mess with in the future. Even if she was probably currently dazed, she would be easy enough to mess with probably. "I don't know, but you look tasty to me, I've never eaten something like you, you must taste quite exotic. So are you going to be my lunch today?" Before she could reply, however, she was interrupted by...a thing. It didn't faze her, however. Very few things fazed her. All of her eyes focused on the creature before her, her head doing an unnatural 180 turn on her shoulders to look at him. Yuck. He didn't seem very appetizing. He looked like he had a lot of biomass to be sure, but he also looked quite acidic. He probably would give her a bad stomach ache, and she wasn't sure there was enough tums in the world to cure something like that. [color=82ca9d]"Vous ne pouvez pas manger Madam Hillard!I refuse to allow you to eat Miss Hillard! Madam! Did you have a good summer? I had a brilliant one! We jetted off to the Far East! Japan was magnificent!"[/color] Ah, french. The language of love some might say. Meredith laughed again at hearing Olivia's voice, as her face started to turn back to its original shape. [color=f7976a]"Ah, Olivia! Au plaisir de vous revoir! Non, mon été a été très calme. Mon travail me tient assez occupé, plus quelques choses avec l'école je ne peux pas vous dire kiddies."[/color] She spoke french quite fluently. She spoke several languages quite fluently, actually. The other students would probably be quite bewildered, but she wasn't one to spoil it. By now though, her face had taken a completely human appearance. Brown eyes, blond hair, and pale skin. It was an appearance most would probably find quite attractive, if it wasn't for the whole 'eldritch horror' thing. "I have seen more scary than you. Hell I have killed scarier than you. I wonder what whatever in the nine hells you are tastes like." It was then, someone threatened her once again. She was growing tired of these threats, though. The first one made by the walking stomach-ache made her chuckle a bit, but this one merely caused her to sigh. She would have liked to keep talking with Olivia. [color=f7976a]"Tsk tsk. Threatening a teacher is grounds for detention, young man."[/color] She replied, as her tentacles reformed into her left arm, a few snapping noises being heard as bones snapped back into place. [color=f7976a]"I would love to see you in my room after class, though..."[/color] She grinned, a bit menacingly as she turned towards Paul. Whatever that meant, she left up to interpretation. [color=9e0b0f]"Miss Meredith, this isn't the time for fighting! Some of the students are injured! Yep, definitely broken, And she's bleeding heavily! She needs instant medical attention!"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Paul, paul, Paul. You should know by now I don't like fighting unless I have too, lest I get carried away."[/color] She nervously chuckled at the though, but it didn't seem like she was really nervous about doing it. She seemed rather eager, actually. However, instead she spoke to both Paul and Tony, the older students her currently had enough sense to actually try to do something. [color=f7976a]"Paul, Tony, be a dear and go take those who are seriously injured students to the train platform. The nurse should have been alerted the moment the emergency breaks were pulled, and already should be on their way here."[/color] She asked, well, more like commanded them by the way she hefted that bone saw that was currently resting on her shoulder. [color=f9ad81]“HEY YOU! Come on! We gotta go. Come on! GO GO GO! EVERYBODY, GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND MOVE! COME ON, LET’S MOVE IT.”[/color] [color=f7976a]"STOP RIGHT THERE!"[/color] She called out to Graham, perhaps a bit too harshly. It was just to get his and everyones attention. [color=f7976a]"I'm going to have to ask anyone who is not in need of immediate medical attention, please stay on the tram. Someone was fighting here, and I intend to find the culprit. So please, calm yourself and take a seat on the nearest thing used for sitting, and I will start trying to figure out what exactly happened here, Bein?"[/color] [color=00aeef]~Alexis Sinclair~[/color] Alexis wasn't entirely sure what had happened. One moment, she was punching some uppity chick in the face, next, she was on the floor with what felt like a hangover. Not that she would know what one was - she had just seen her dad go through so many before to know what the effects were. The hell did she get such a massive headache? She hit her head twice, but she was sure that wasn't enough to give her one this bad. Either way, she was fairly certain she blacked out a bit too - just long enough to miss the entrance of the other horror. By the time she came to her senses, Meredith had already assumed a more human form, and was telling everyone to stay put. What happened? She vaguely remembered hearing Kitty say something about medical attention, but other than that...damn, this was her fault, wasn't it? Alexis sat up with a groan, holding her head as she rubbed a sore spot. [color=00aeef]"The hell happened?"[/color] [/center]