[center][h3]- Cheol Akiyama -[/h3][/center] In the darkness of sleep, Cheol became vaguely aware of noises around him, like shouting, though they sounded so far away that Cheol briefly considered just ignoring them and falling back into oblivion. Then he felt someone shaking him. 'Go away,' Cheol thought sleepily, trying to turn his body away from whoever was attempting to disturb him. The person didn't take the hint and shook him again, harder this time, and gave a loud shout, causing Cheol to at last snap out of his slumber. He opened his eyes and found himself looking at another boy, a small scrawny kid with glasses, probably only a couple of years older than Cheol himself. Cheol pushed himself up into a sitting position as the other boy shouted at him to move before leaving and rushing away to someone else. Cheol sat there for a moment, still dazed and half-asleep. He gazed blankly at his surroundings, which seemed to be in a state of chaos. There were several kids, some older than him and some not, lying around the place, some of them injured. Everyone seemed to be startled or angry or irritated, and there were two things, creatures, roaming around the place that looked like they had come out of some kind of nightmare, one of which had suddenly transformed into a fairly normal-looking woman and was suddenly shouting at everyone to stay on the tram... The tram. He was on a tram... Okay. To make sure he wasn't still sleeping, Cheol issued a pinch to the sensitive skin on his wrist. He flinched. 'Okay, definitely not a dream,' Cheol thought to himself as the haze of sleep finally cleared completely from his mind, and gave way instead to feelings of worry and confusion. His hand went to his side, searching for the shoulder bag he usually wore, which kept one very important object within. It took a couple of seconds, but his hand soon rested on the leather of the bag and he breathed an inward sigh of relief. Okay, good. He pushed himself up onto his feet, feeling a little unsteady. "Where... the hell are we?" he grunted aloud, not really directing his question to anyone in particular, only hoping that at least one person in the near vicinity would hear and answer. "What the hell is going on?"