Ah, shi. I am weak to "I want to please everyone!" emotions. This is technically only ten hours since I posted the question, but nobody has voiced negative emotions on the subject yet. [@Skittles]! [@Lightning Fast]! [@Lionheart]! You three on the waiting list! You can make / post characters if you wish. If you feel like it, this can be either so that it starts in the first map, in which case I'll force myself to make sure there's room. Or you can make it so we encounter you a bit later in a later map somehow, in which case I'll contact you when it is your turn. I'm trying to simultaneously go with the suggestions of "we can meet them later" that some suggested here and my own "I want to every player to get as close to what they want as possible" which resides in my mind, hence I give the choice along with the stuff. Twelve is still an even number! ... Skittles and Lightning, thank Lionheart for sending me his character which had already been planned with connection to an existing character and I went "Ooooh, I don't want to deny this" which automatically meant you two could come too because you were earlier than him in the waiting list! And [@TheHangedMan], you're still allowed should you finish that character, because you informed me of your interest and said you were making a character and was the second person to express interest. Other than those, I draw the friggin' LINE. No more character beyond that! Beyond those, this RP is totally CLOSED OFF, NO EXCEPTIONS! [@Eklispe] I kind of dislike splitting up because that means that the characters on one side kind of misses out on all the events and characters on the other side, but if you guys come up with a reason why to do so then I will accept it. I mean, c'mon, all the player characters now would already be more than what you can field in a typical Fire Emblem map, what would I do with my NPC plans? ... Just force twice the amount of effort onto me. XD