Garret pressed his hand against his forehead as thoughts streamed through his head. Two shooters, firing at people who don't seem to be returning fire. The shooter had his reasons to shoot at these people, obviously, but either way it was wrong to take a life. Perhaps he was just scared? After all that had gone down it'd be a surprise if people didn't act hostile at the nearest sight of another person. Most people valued themselves above strangers, and this man was obviously one of those people. However, Garret was not somebody who would put one life above another, and as much as he hated taking risks he knew the value of their lives were worth far more than his alone. He put the key into the ignition, pushed down on the clutch, and twisted the key. Feeling the car fire up noisily, he almost began to regret his decision. Garret had been lucky though, from this angle he'd need no steering to get to the door, so as soon as the car began to move Garret pushed his head down onto his lap, holding the steering wheel with his hand above his head. He looked ridiculous, but at a time like this who would care? The car hit the curb before pushing against the fence, slamming his head into the horn. If he didn't have the sniper's attention before, he sure did now. As soon as that thought slipped through his mind the right window shattered, spraying glass into the car. "Oh my, my luck really isn't holding out today is it?" he whispered to himself as he eyed the glass. He pushed harder on the gas, propelling the car further into the clearing. One shot, then the next, then the next. The sniper was consistently impaling the side of the car with each shot he took. He could feel the car pull back as a crash, followed by a screeching sound emanated from the car. He'd already torn through the second fence. Now the only thing he had to worry about was the fact that a man with a gun was out for his life. The next shot tore through the car one side of the car, and impaled itself in the interior. Garret didn't know how much further the fire escape was, but he certainly hoped it was close.